Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I would just like to reiterate my major loathing for spyware.
Yesterday, my son downloaded WINFIXER quite accidentally. This is so incredibly difficult to get rid of as it bundles with other advertising software and has many many components. Norton couldn't isolate it nor could any of my spyware blasters. I tried a manual removal in a DOS window but I CAN'T GET ACCESS TO THE FILE! I refuse to call GEEK SQUAD..I JUST REFUSE! Especially since I am, by all accounts, a geek myself. I will figure this out and open my own spyware removal business, make lots of money and retire.. HA HA. I think I need Joe's REFRIDGETOR ice cube trays of death to help me out.
If anyone has anything that works, please let me know. I have tried Microsoft Beta, Spybot Search and Destroy, Ad-aware and Norton Antivirus. All have proved fruitless. NOW, it's personal! I'm aware of the geek forum and tech guy who all recommend downloading HiJack this and about 6 other applications, reboot in safe mode, change a bunch of crap, wave a wand, do a dance and restart the computer twice and Voila! It's all gone. Just too much technical stuff for my brain to handle. I must run for the present. I have a focus group tonight so I must go focus. Then, I will attack the spyware with impunity. It will be gone! OH YES! It will be gone!

EDITED TO ADD: The damn thing is still there BUT, in my defense, I didn't have time last night to work on it. All I did was download some online spyware deathray and we shall see.

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