Yet another page from "My mundane life" follows...
It is coming down to the end of the school year. Cassie's big graduation is in two days with her party this coming weekend. Kris has exactly 3 days to pull his grades out of the trashcan or he faces grounding for life. As my son is last minute Charlie on most things, it did not surprise me that my son opted to wait until the last minute to complete two school projects. One, an extra credit for Physical Science, required him to make a house out of spaghetti which was due last Tuesday after the holiday weekend. As I had Monday off, I spent the majority of the day running around getting food and balloons orders for Cassie's graduation party. My son spent the majority of the weekend ditzing with his friends and at 7pm on Monday night after I had already been to three stores, informed me that he needed spaghetti and a glue gun. Off to the Big Box Mart I went. After having spent all weekend there and a significant part of MOnday buying supplies, I was more than a little annoyed that he didn't bother to mention that he needed these things earlier. He began the project at 9pm. It took him half an hour to burn his fingers with hot glue which resulted in 30 minutes of walking around holding his burned finger and cursing under his breath. He stayed up until 3am, forgot to set his alarm, missed his bus and then tried to tell me he was *cough *cough sick and needed to stay home. That didn't fly with me and I deposited him and his spaghetti house at school. Fast forward to Friday. It's one week to party time and I was trying to get the house in some sort of order. I spent Friday spot cleaning my carpet which was pretty much one big spot and it took me hours. Kris wanted to go see his friends band play and promised that if I let him do that, he would finish his chores over the weekend. I really am stupid. I took him up on his offer. Saturday night, after work, I took the family out to dinner to celebrate Kris's birthday. We had a really nice time and didn't leave the restaurant until after 10. On the way home, my son informed me that his band was playing at the graduation ceremony the following MORNING AND he had a project due Monday which required two rolls of Duct Tape. WHAT???? I yelled at him while he insisted he told me about all this. He insisted he DEFINITELY told me about the graduation but admitted he may not have mentioned the exact date. GRRRRR! I had to work at BBM at 9am on Sunday and somehow had to get him to the high school to meet the bus. And of course all those chores that he promised to get done, did not. Sunday morning, as I was getting ready for work, I heard Kris's alarm go off at 7;30. He shuffled upstairs to take a shower and asked if I thought the neighbor was up because he needed to borrow a tie. I was at BBM on Saturday and reminded him, I could have gotten that tie then or at any of the other 10 times I worked my retail job in the past few weeks. So, finally after some scrambling around, we left to drop him at the high school so he could catch the bus to the graduation. We entered the parking lot and there was nary a car or any signs of life for that matter. I waited in the van while Kris went in to see if anyone was in the band room and sure enough, it was locked tight and not a single soul was in the high school at all. I dropped him at home after a few stern words. THe nickel and dime-o-meter was at a high and getting higher. As I spent all day yesterday working, I failed at motivating my kids to do a darn thing around the house. I still have a few errands to run. It's going to be a long week.
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