20 years since High School graduation! I can't even believe it especially since I don't remember ever growing older especially 20 YEARS older but there it was, my reunion night. I was a little nervous about the whole thing being a total freak and geek in high school but no one was more surprised than me when I had a total BLAST! Benet still looks the same. There is new gym and a redone chapel but it was the same old Benet. I was helping check in. As the class of 85 approached, we tried to figure out who they were and in some instances, whether it was the guy or the girl we went to school with. Some classmates are bald and paunchy, some look the same with more gray, some are nicer than I remember. Some are exactly the same. I looked at this as the perfect practice for all that I have learned in the past 20 years about attitude and how it shapes every experience. It was up to me to make it fun or make it miserable. I decided on the former. So, that said, I said hello to everyone, smiled at everyone that came in that door, whether I liked them 20 years ago or not. To be honest, I didn't dislike anyone really. We had the clicks but I was barely conscious of anyone outside my own immediate group. I was happy to see at least 3 of the people that I hung around with back in the day and it was good to hear about what they have been up to. So far, it sounds like pretty boring stuff. There was absolutely nothing earth shattering, I guess. No big 20 year old secrets came out, no secret crushes. My crush was there..didn't talk to him. Just said my hello's at the door and went about my biz. Hung around people that were in my crowd and some that I never said hello to or even remember having a class with 20 years ago. I had way toooooo much to drink, closed the after party bar, and staggered in at 3am. This morning, I woke up with a huge headache and upset stomach, just barely dodging worship of the porcelain god at least 5 times. I am way too old for nights like that more than once a year. Of course my youngest, Emily, decided that today was a great day for extra REALLY nasty diapers and as I was lying there, she crawled all over me, hit me in the head with a recorder, and was queen of the temper tantrum. Bless her heart. I guess I needed a reminder that drinking too much means I REALLY pay the next day. What a great cure for alcoholism. Drink too much, add one very active and loud toddler with a hugely messy diaper to wake you up 2 hours after you go to bed.
In other news, we are all de-loused. The washing machine has agitation. Still haven't gone for the dishwasher but I'll get there. The kids did wonderfully in their parent teacher conferences.
And I had an accident with my work laptop which resulted in me being out of commission for 2 days. Ok, someone who shall be nameless spilled coffee on it. But, it wasn't me. DAMMIT! Emmie pooped AGAIN. Later!
Reunions...rnt they great...LOL
and bless little emily and her diapers and temper tantrums....she is a dear child....hit you over the head with a recorder?? LOL
and thank god your de-loused and the washing machine is agitating like it should...im sure the diswasher will come soon.
and YAY Cassie and Chris for your good reports....go kids...
take care and talk soon
hugs and kisses to all
Hey, I'm glad you had a great time at your reunion! (And that the washer works...) Take care and give everyone a hug from me...
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