Saturday, January 02, 2010

Hello 2010

Time is your greatest advisor. Time will tell you if you can waste your life
in illusion and fantasy thoughts, dwelling over past regrets and future
apprehensions. Just ask time, and time will point out that there are no survivors.
---A Spiritual Warrior

Time has been referred to as a gift from God. On Dec 31, every year, we review the past year: the mistakes, the successes, the failures, the good times and the bad times, the periods of great joy and the periods of great sadness. We consider resolutions to fix what we may have done wrong or do what we didn't do. In periods of great stress and sadness, it's normal to want to set the clock back and start over from the beginning but we can't. We have no choice but face whatever time brings us, head on until resolution and every situation does resolve itself, maybe not how we wanted but there is resolution. I had heard once that Time always seeks to try and "replace" what it took in some way. After losing a mother, a mother figure may emerge. When one door is closed, another, may open somewhere. In that which is taken, something else is given.

2009 took my security away when I was diagnosed with lung mets
2009 gave me a community of friends who I can support in their journey and support me

2009 took whatever financial stability I had.
2009 gave me a new view on what riches are.

2009 took away my life's aspiration with my current profession
2009 gave me a new profession to strive for and be excited about.

2009 took away everything I thought I wanted.
2009 gave me what I never knew I needed.

"Life is school", my grandfather always said. Life is meant to result in growth as is the passage of time. Who will we be without challenges? And though time results in many good-byes, it also results in hellos.. new friends, new jobs, new challenges, grandchildren, blessings, new attitudes, new priorities, new successes.....

Have a Happy, Healthy, 2010!


Erin said...

So true, Kathy. Lost and gained. Count me among friends gained in 2009.

Sue G said...

Lost and gained is the story of my life...mostly counted in pounds. But what you wrote was so true, Kath. One of life's universal truths, but so many people miss it because they aren't looking for the gains, just focusing on the losses.

So glad you are not one of those people. And even more glad that you can articulate truth in such wonderfully descriptive and poignant updates.