Thursday, December 02, 2010

Still here. Still alive. Still plugging along.

It's been a little while since I posted an update but in this case no news was news. I work at 9am and on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, I've still been going to class which ends on Dec 13. YAY! Needless to say, I've been getting home late and tonight, I'm cranky and tired and should be studying for either my lab practical or my final. I don't feel like doing either. Tomorrow, I work a double shift and then spend the weekend doing the retail thing. Thanksgiving was nice and almost relaxing. I got it in my head that I was going to clean the carpets. So after work, I trudged to the store in the freezing cold, the day before Thanksgiving and rented a Rug Doctor. I stayed up until 2am cleaning carpets and moving furniture so that I could put up my tree. As I was moving couches, chairs, and tables, I thought, wow! I feel thankful that I feel well enough to do this. I then collapsed in an exhausted heap into bed and was awakened at 6:30 am by a very excited Emily who was anxious to get the party started. I was VERY annoyed but through my annoyance I thought wow, I'm thankful that I have a healthy child to annoy me. So I dragged my still exhausted and now achy body to the kitchen to make coffee. Of course the kitchen was a mess because that is where I moved the dining room chairs. So I hauled the chairs back to the where they belonged and cleaned my kitchen so I could mess it up again when I put out the pre-dinner spread. I barked at my kids for lounging around while I ran around and was thankful for two lazy teens that I could bark at. Then we went to a buffet and ate good food and I was thankful that after 5 months of living on unemployment, I could pay for a nice Thanksgiving dinner and that I am current on my bills though there is lots of debt. My new job exhausts the heck out of me but I am thankful for that too. Most of all, I'm thankful for all the family and friends, old and new, that have taken an interest in my journey.

Happy Hannukah to my Jewish friends!
